Lager is the new Black
34 IBU
OG: 1.055
SRM: 21
"Chan e sin a tha seo a 'ciallachadh" - Calm seas make awful captains [Scotish Gaelic]

Opaque product, theories of complex implementation and many iterations to the end result, but also repeatable, clean and a workhorse. This is the beer version of "serverless". Brewing and software aren't so different. Both have crashes (cold keg vs code), jams (pumps and event-queues), and most of all - the use of labored metaphors in an unfortunate attempt to complexify the simple. Both ultimately share a combined love of using obfuscated language to hide the use of duct tape and jury rigging.

This looks and smells like a complex, "big beer", but it finishes light with little aftertaste. The black lager - or Schwarzbier - was developed to skirt the Reinheitsgebot (German Purity Laws) as the char from malting was included with malted barley during lean crop years to make the purchase weight.

As such, this is pretty traditional : Grains are from Germany (Weyermann) as are the hops (Tettnanger) and yeast (W34/70). This does get better with time, usually peaking around 21 days.