Popular Mechanics Mild
31 IBU
OG: 1.060
SRM: 32
Brewed on: 10/31
"Chan e sin a tha seo a 'ciallachadh" - Mild is as Mild does [Scotish Gaelic]

This was originally based off a recipe that appeared in Popular Mechanics. Seriously. I understand your excitement, as the only thing better than "moonshine" is "moonshine" inspired by recipes that were found next to advertisements for autoparts.

This is a version of what you find in a traditional "public house" circa 1950s. These were often brewed on-site with the pub relying heavily on it for profits. The higher the alcohol content the more costly the brew, so these were typically kept light.

Lightly hopped to let the malt and caramel come through along with a roasted nose. Brewed spot-on to style, we used all British grains (Thomas Fawcett), Hops (Stocks Farm, Worcestershire, uk) and yeast (s-04).